Soñando con los Ojos Abiertos – A Fulbright Tale


Angela Karas Photo Journal

A Year in Mexico as a Fulbright Comexus FGR Grantee.

Hi there y Bienvenidos. I’m excited to start telling my Fulbright story!

When I was applying to this grant, there was hardly any information about what life is like as a Fulbright Grantee. I scoured the internet for more resources: blog posts, Instagram accounts, YouTube videos, anything I could find that would give me more information. I found nothing. I had one direct connection to a Fulbright Alumni, but her placement was based in Brazil, and my path was taking me to Mexico. If you’ve found me, you were meant to be here. You are either on your mobile device or computer doing the same thing I was doing back in 2019: trying to figure out, “what the heck is a Fulbright? And how do I apply?!”.

If you haven’t already, I suggest browsing the US Fulbright student program Website


“The Fulbright U.S. Student Program expands perspectives through academic and professional advancement and cross-cultural dialogue. Fulbright creates connections in a complex and changing world. In partnership with more than 140 countries worldwide, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers unparalleled opportunities in all academic disciplines to passionate and accomplished graduating college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals from all backgrounds. Program participants pursue graduate study, conduct research, or teach English abroad.”

This is not your typical study abroad experience. Fulbright is a cross-cultural exchange program that is funded by the U.S. Congress. You can think of Fulbright as the “peacekeeping arm” of US Diplomatic Relations. It is a highly competitive program with an approximate 20% acceptance rate. Fulbright is just one program offered through the US Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and currently there are 12 different types of Fulbright Grants offered. 

In sharing my journey as a Fulbright ETA, my hope is that I will help to answer some of your burning questions about the grant, about Mexico and Mexican

 culture, and give you insight into what Fulbright is really like. I will be covering everything from the Application Process, to my in-country time as a grantee, and life after post-Fulbright. My intention here is to be authentic and to paint a picture of the Mexican cultural landscape and everything it encompasses, from food, to drink, music, and it’s people. There is no such thing as a “bad” or “silly” question so please, ask away! I am an open book.

Disclaimer: Everything shared here represents my own experience and opinions and are not associated with the Fulbright Program or Comexus (unless otherwise stated). All people represented in this blog have been asked permission for their names and photos to be shared.

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